So you’ve gotten to the place in your business where you are consistently generating a profit, or maybe you’ve even secured angel investors who’ve given you some cash. But now comes the question, how do you spend this money? Your first thoughts may go to hiring team, marketing, or perhaps inventory – but we find that […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

March 18, 2024

3 Reasons Why Splurging on Entrepreneurial Development Will Give Your Business the Best ROI

Are you struggling to build an audience for your pod? Have your podcast downloads hit a plateau? It’s no secret that podcasting is a slow growth channel with limited methods of discoverability, but that doesn’t mean your download numbers are completely out of your control!  Whether you’re a couple episodes in, or looking to grow […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

March 11, 2024

5 Creative Ways to Increase Podcast Downloads

Have you ever wondered if your profit margin truly reflects the financial health of the company? It’s a question that often sparks debate in the business world, and rightfully so. Let’s break it down together and explore the three key things you should keep in mind. What is Profit Margin? First things first, let’s clarify what […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

January 29, 2024

Does Profit Margin Reflect The Financial Health of the Company? Here’s 3 Things to Note

Ever felt like work life balance is an impossible ideal? That’s the case for many small business owners. The truth is, equal parts work and play is almost never realistic as your priorities shift in different seasons. This week’s podcast guest Tina Wells offers a fresh approach, opting for work-life “harmony” rather than “balance”. Tina’s […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

November 27, 2023

Avoid Business Owner Burnout with Tina Wells’ Elevation Approach

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