Never underestimate the power of a small, but mighty email list. If you want to make more money selling other people’s offers to your audience, buckle up for a masterclass from a legend in affiliate email marketing, Laura Belgray. Laura is the founder of Talking Shrimp, co-creator of The Copy Cure with Marie Forleo, and author of the much anticipated 2023 book release, Tough Titties. Laura is a copywriting expert who helps entrepreneurs find the perfect words to express and sell what they do in a way that gets them paid to be themselves. In today’s case study, Laura gives us a play by play of her emails that shot her to #1 affiliate on the leaderboard AND earned her six figures in commissions back when she had 6K email subscribers, beating out hundreds of affiliates with larger lists and more experience. What to send, when, and how often are all revealed in this episode.
Lightning Round
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