Small business owners know the benefits of Facebook advertising, but many hesitate handling campaigns internally due to perceived complexity or lack of expertise. And we get it – who has time to master another new platform when you’re already juggling a million things?
But what if we told you that taking back control of your ads could immediately reduce your costs by 80% or more, AND give you the insights to market to your exact ideal buyer?
Here are 3 key benefits of facebook advertising in-house over your current ads agency:
Internalizing your operations allows you to cut out the middleman in your ads management, trimming down any hefty agency service fees, and maximize the return on your advertising investment.
Nicki Krawczyk shared in episode 234 of Cubicle to CEO how doing this took her ads management costs from $3K to just $600/month!
This opens up so much of your budget to invest back into your business – maybe even in the ad spend to get your campaigns seen more! Just envision the potential when all your advertising dollars directly contribute to your own business’s growth.
You may feel like you’ve got a solid grasp on your target audience, but believe us, there’s always more to learn. When you handle your Facebook ads in-house, you have a front-row seat to invaluable insights that can truly transform your marketing game.
How? By immersing yourself in campaign analytics and seeing how your customers respond to your paid advertising. Take time to dissect the data, understand the trends, and listen closely to what your audience is saying. This hands-on approach gives you a level of understanding that simply can’t be matched when your campaigns are handled by a third party.
As you dive deeper into your audience’s wants, needs, and behaviors, you’ll uncover hidden gems that will inform every aspect of your entire marketing strategy – from ads to social content to email copywriting. This level of insight will resonate on a deeper level, driving engagement and conversions like never before.
Testing ads isn’t just about throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. It’s about strategically refining your approach to ensure maximum impact.
You get to see for yourself which hooks are working, what messaging is capturing the kind of customer you’re targeting, and when a piece of content goes stale and needs to be replaced or refreshed. You have the flexibility to pivot on a dime, responding to your audience’s ever-changing needs and preferences.
After a while, you’ll be able to determine the best kinds of content to increase your lead generation, versus the content that will drive traffic to your website or social media. Testing truly is the key to staying up to date with what digital marketing strategies are capturing attention and growing your business.
Running Facebook advertising internally may feel intimidating, but for most established small businesses the benefits far outweigh the growing pains. Just be sure to invest upfront in building your knowledge and a sustainable system for managing your campaigns. The long-term cost savings and control over your growth will quickly get you hooked!
Want to hear how Nicki Krawczyk used her in-house strategy to manage $1M+ in Facebook ad spend? Listen to episode 234 of Cubicle to CEO – available everywhere you listen to podcasts!
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