Welcome to another one of our quarterly income reports! If you’re a new listener of the show, we highly recommend going back and listening to our previous income report episodes to get a better understanding of why we started sharing this information 4 years ago as part of our advocacy for financial transparency. If you want to check out our previous reports, we’ve created a curated playlist for you here: https://ellenyin.com/incomereport
If you are a returning listener of these income reports, welcome back! We hope you use our audio diary as a resource to reflect, gain perspective, and better analyze your own numbers from the last 90 days.
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Check Out These Links:
Want to hear all the ins and outs of what is happening in our business? Check out all our previous quarterly income reports at https://ellenyin.com/incomereport!
Our revenue, expenses, + profit from the last 90 days.
How and why we increased our profit margin by 17%.
The strategy behind our final signature offer launch before we retired the product.
Why we had an accelerated launch window + what we would do different if we had more time.
The reason we are thrilled we didn’t sell out our first full scale in-person event.
What an ‘in-kind’ partnership is.
“I learned so much about how an event can really propel the growth of your business in immediate + not immediate ways, and in non-monetary ways as well.”
The biggest non-monetary value adds from our event.
How the partnership with the Independence Hotel was broken down.
“Just because something doesn’t make profit day one… doesn’t mean that it can’t have a significant impact on your business if you’re willing to get creative and think outside the box about how you’re using an opportunity to serve multiple areas of your business.”
What Did You Think?
Did you enjoy this episode or the insight shared? Let us know on Instagram @cubicletoceo!