In today’s case study, Zafira Rajan reveals how she transformed a single speaking engagement and an $11 tripwire into 600+ new customers and $45K+ in sales. Zafira Rajan is a copywriting queen, a brand strategist, and a self-proclaimed “sensory storyteller.” She helps coaches and course creators add personality to their copy and attract aligned clients. […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

July 17, 2023

Zafira Rajan: How This CEO Turned a Single Speaking Engagement and an $11 Tripwire into 600+ New Customers and $45K in Sales

speaking engagement

Last week, our founder Ellen Yin interviewed Amanda Walker, who has used a clever, 3-step client testimonial strategy to attract her dream clients. This week, we’re continuing the discussion on leveraging your referral network with leadership and operations consultant Sara McCabe. Sara helps her clients build better leaders, stronger teams, and more efficient businesses. In […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

June 5, 2023

Sara McCabe: Leadership and Operations Consultant Makes 40% More Revenue By Focusing on Her Referral Network

track referrals

In today’s case study, performance coach Amanda Walker shares her three-step testimonial advertising strategy to leverage and repurpose client results to attract more dream clients. Amanda Walker is a coach, through and through. She’s coached everything from a pee-wee basketball league to high-level CEOs, which is why we’re not even a little bit surprised that […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

May 29, 2023

The Power of Leveraging Client Results: How Amanda Walker Scaled Her Business Using This 3-Step Testimonial Advertising Strategy

testimonial advertising

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