If you’re a longtime listener, you know getting in front of borrowed traffic is our favorite audience growth strategy, and today’s case study on hosting roundtables affirms why. Women’s leadership expert and founder of Safi Media, Eleanor Beaton, has successfully hosted 14 roundtables since Q4 2021, inviting aligned speakers to join her for hot button […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

June 17, 2024

How to Host Roundtable Events That Add $884K To Your Revenue

Knowing how to write a pitch is an essential skill that can open doors and propel your endeavors forward. Putting together an effective pitch doesn’t just come from honing your writing skills, but rather by paying attention to details and leading with generous action. Whether you’re seeking podcast appearances, press coverage, new clients, partnerships, or […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

August 21, 2023

How to Write a Pitch for ANYTHING: 6 Key Ways To Make Your Pitches Stand Out


Learn how to secure big brand sponsorship with little to no social proof with Doone Roisin!

featured, Podcast Episodes

December 12, 2022

Pitch Without Social Proof! She Secured A $25K Sponsorship For A Newly Launched Podcast

Pitch Without Social Proof! She Secured A $25K Sponsorship For A Newly Launched Podcast

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