In a world inundated with marketing noise, genuine customer testimonials stand as a powerful beacon of trust. Testimonial advertising is an effective marketing strategy because it leverages the voices and experiences of your satisfied customers to build trust, credibility, and authenticity for your brand. Your customer feedback can be a persuasive tool in influencing potential customers, […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

September 11, 2023

3 Proven Ways to Elevate Your Testimonial Advertising

testimonial advertising

No matter if you are building a brand new online business, or growing a decade old company, increasing your sales conversions can feel like an uphill battle. When selling, the interaction can often feel sleazy and unauthentic, but it doesn’t need to be this way! While there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for success, the 4 methods we will dive […]

Podcast Episodes, Uncategorized

September 4, 2023

Unlocking Sales Success: 4 Powerful Strategies to Boost Online Sales Conversions

sales conversions

Are you looking for fresh and innovative methods to generate email leads? In a world where competition for attention is fierce, implementing creative strategies can help you stand out and capture the interest of potential customers. In this blog post, we’ll delve into three innovative ways to boost your email lead generation efforts and drive […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

August 28, 2023

3 Creative Ideas to Generate Email Leads

Generate Email Leads

Knowing how to write a pitch is an essential skill that can open doors and propel your endeavors forward. Putting together an effective pitch doesn’t just come from honing your writing skills, but rather by paying attention to details and leading with generous action. Whether you’re seeking podcast appearances, press coverage, new clients, partnerships, or […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

August 21, 2023

How to Write a Pitch for ANYTHING: 6 Key Ways To Make Your Pitches Stand Out


Price bundle, Cubicle to CEO, Ellen Yin, Online Business Owne

featured, Podcast Episodes

August 14, 2023

5 Tips for Creating the Ultimate Digital Offer Price Bundle

Sam Vander Wielen Price Bundle

For our 200th episode celebration, our founder Ellen Yin provides free coaching for women entrepreneurs! Ellen answers 10 questions from our very own listeners, ranging from how to build your audience to the WORST business advice she’s ever received! In the case study below, we’ll share Ellen’s answers to three juicy questions from this episode! […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

June 28, 2023

200th Episode Celebration, Part One – Ellen Yin Provides FREE Coaching for Women Entrepreneurs, Answering Questions from Our Very Own Listeners 

We believe that financially independent women should also be financially transparent women, which is why we’ve been publicly sharing our income reports for FIVE YEARS. (Click here to catch up!) From day one, our founder Ellen Yin has believed in financial transparency. “We all benefit when we collectively share our insights and our data and […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

April 23, 2023

[Q1 2023 Income Report] Cheers to Financially Independent Women! We Started 2023 with $205K in Brand Partnerships and a 54% Profit Margin

financially independent women

You’ve invested a lot of time and energy building your business, but one opportunity for growth you may not have considered is establishing a community of business friends… Mindi Trimble is a college prep mentor who helps her students create personality-filled applications and navigate their educational journeys. Juliette Molina Bundhund is a professional makeup artist […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

April 17, 2023

It Pays To Have Business Friends: These 2 CEOs Helped Each Other Grow Their Businesses + Make A Combined Revenue of $25K

business friends

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Castbox “Nothing brings in quality leads faster than a virtual summit,” says our latest podcast guest, Marisa Corcoran. A former actor turned entrepreneur, Marisa has good reason to make such a bold claim. Her virtual summit strategy, The Copy Chat, has… “Hot damn! I want numbers […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

January 30, 2023

This Former-Actor-Turned-CEO Shares How to Grow Your Email List by 500–2,000 Leads in ONE WEEK with a Virtual Summit Strategy

Virtual Summit

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Castbox Veronica Romney’s unique “open house” strategy is consistently generating high-ticket sales at a 25% viewer-to-applicant conversion rate for her five-figure leadership mentoring program, Rainmaker ResidencyTM. This customized marketing funnel has catapulted Veronica’s business by… “I was a cubicle AND a CEO.” First things first, no, […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

January 23, 2023

This CEO’s “Open House” Funnel Generates High-Ticket Sales for Her 5-Figure Program That Soar Beyond Industry Norms

high ticket sales

Let's be insta friends!

