Launching a program is no easy feat, and Anita Siek understands this reality better than most… Anita Siek is a lawyer-turned-copy strategist, speaker, and podcaster. She’s also the CEO of Wordfetti, a human-centered brand strategy and copywriting house that helps brands earn more money using the clever combo of words + psychology. But even savvy […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

July 10, 2023

Anita Siek: Launching a Program Doesn’t Always Go as Planned, But This CEO Flipped it All Around in the Final 48 Hours

launching a program

Annette and Sarah of Thanks for Visiting were able to increase their webinar funnel conversions by 50% with a more urgent marketing strategy. However, they’ve learned a lot more than that along the way… Grab your pen and get ready for five juicy tips from this dynamic duo on how to convert those pipin’ hot […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

June 22, 2023

How to Increase Webinar Funnel Conversions: 5 Tips from Thanks for Visiting’s Podcast Hosts on Converting Your Workshop Leads Into Sales

webinar funnel

When Annette Grant and Sarah Karakaian used Deadline Funnel for their free webinar, they saw a 50% spike in the conversion rate for their signature program! Today, they tell us exactly how they did it… Annette and Sarah are the dynamic duo behind Thanks for Visiting, a premier podcast in the short-term rental space, and […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

June 19, 2023

Annette Grant & Sarah Karakaian: These Course Creators Implemented a Deadline Funnel and Increased Their Conversion Rate by 50%

webinar funnel

How can you get referrals for your business?  Molly Keyser has some thoughts on the matter… Molly runs a digital education business to help content creators monetize their following. Her impressive referral program, comprised of 50 (official) student affiliates, has driven 10% of her total sales and helped her reach an annual revenue of $2 […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

June 15, 2023

How to Get Referrals: Molly Keyser Leverages Affiliates to Attract New Students for Her High-Ticket Course

get referrals

Similar to our past two guests, course creator Molly Keyser has used student testimonials and referrals to scale her business. However, Molly’s approach takes word-of-mouth marketing to a new level… Molly started her career as a photographer, but when colleagues and competitors saw her jump to a seven-figure business in a couple of years, they […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

June 12, 2023

Molly Keyser: This Course Creator Reached $2 Million Per Year with Student Testimonials and Referrals

get referrals

Sara McCabe has developed an effective strategy to attract and track referrals in her business. And today, she’s giving us the inside scoop! Grab a pen and paper and read on to learn how Sara leverages referrals to generate a massive 90% of her sales! How to Get Referrals: Sara’s Tried-And-True Strategy When Sara discovered […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

June 9, 2023

How to Attract & Track Referrals: The Referral Strategy Sara McCabe Uses to Generate 90% of Her Sales

track referrals

Last week, our founder Ellen Yin interviewed Amanda Walker, who has used a clever, 3-step client testimonial strategy to attract her dream clients. This week, we’re continuing the discussion on leveraging your referral network with leadership and operations consultant Sara McCabe. Sara helps her clients build better leaders, stronger teams, and more efficient businesses. In […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

June 5, 2023

Sara McCabe: Leadership and Operations Consultant Makes 40% More Revenue By Focusing on Her Referral Network

track referrals

In today’s case study, performance coach Amanda Walker shares her three-step testimonial advertising strategy to leverage and repurpose client results to attract more dream clients. Amanda Walker is a coach, through and through. She’s coached everything from a pee-wee basketball league to high-level CEOs, which is why we’re not even a little bit surprised that […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

May 29, 2023

The Power of Leveraging Client Results: How Amanda Walker Scaled Her Business Using This 3-Step Testimonial Advertising Strategy

testimonial advertising

Les Alfred—the founder and host of wellness podcast, the Balanced Black Girl—implemented three strategies for internal growth and 5X’d her podcast listenership in ONE YEAR! This impressive entrepreneur knows how to build an engaged audience. If you don’t believe us, just take a look at her track record! Since launching in 2018, Balanced Black Girl […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

May 15, 2023

Host of Balanced Black Girl Podcast Shares 3 Internal Growth Strategies That Helped Her Jump From 70K to 350K Monthly Downloads In One Year

internal growth

You’ve invested a lot of time and energy building your business, but one opportunity for growth you may not have considered is establishing a community of business friends… Mindi Trimble is a college prep mentor who helps her students create personality-filled applications and navigate their educational journeys. Juliette Molina Bundhund is a professional makeup artist […]

featured, Podcast Episodes

April 17, 2023

It Pays To Have Business Friends: These 2 CEOs Helped Each Other Grow Their Businesses + Make A Combined Revenue of $25K

business friends

Let's be insta friends!

